Downstream industries and applications that consume refractory materials

Refractory materials are essential consumables in all high-temperature industrial processes, especially those produced in heavy industries such as steel, cement, glass, aluminum, and petrochemicals. Refractory materials are also one of the important factors that can be commercialized in heavy industrial sectors. No heavy industry manufacturer in the world could exist as a profitable commercial company without a constant supply of high quality refractory materials to control heat and process reactions, providing a clear and powerful indication of the importance of refractory materials.

Downstream Industry ApplicationReplacementCost
Steel Alkaline Oxygen Arc Furnace Casting Ladle20 minutes to two months3.0%
Cement/lime Rotary kilnper year0.5%
Non-ferrous metalCopper converter1-10 years0.2%
GlassGlass melting furnaceup to 10 years1.0%
Energy/Environment/Chemicals2nd stage reformer5-10 years1.5%


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